5/17/2020- Preachin and Ballin

 A lot has happened in these past two weeks, but one of the craziest things has been that I've become a baller. Every p-day, while other missionaries are resting up and playing their go fish and exploding kittens, me and the dawgs have been ballin it up on the courts of the church gym. I've been going so hard I almost made a basket in the last game.

While my ballin skills still need a bit of improvement, my comp and I have been going hard on the streets finding people to teach. This last week we found 14 people, wayyy above what we were thinking we would get at the beginning of the week.

Al is also about to get baptized this next Saturday, which he's been committed to doing even after he had six people show up to his door asking why he wanted to become a member. If I haven't mentioned this before, Al has a landlord who is a member, and while he is a pretty cool guy to talk with, he is an absolutely ruthless businessman. And so, everyone in Al's apartment complex, including Al, hate him with a burning passion. Al, however, has been able to recognize that there is a difference between the Gospel and the people who try to follow it, and politely told them all to leave before he pulled his 22 on them.

Surprisingly, very few crazy things happened these past two weeks, so I don't really have much else to write. Instead, I'll leave some pictures and a cool scripture, and as long as I don't do something to make Al pull his gun on me, I'll write to y'all next week.

Hard in the paint, 
Elder Lutter


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