4/26/2020- Livin the Grind

 I have survived yet another week out here in Vegas. Not that I'm worried about getting shot (which is still a risk) but rather I'm worried I'll die from the workouts I'm hitting every morning. Last week, me and my companion Elder Gunter found out our District Leader Elder Eugieren lives a block away, and he has a literal gym in his apartment. So we've been heading over there every morning to work out, and through that I've come to realize why Eugieren is in such good shape. Even as I write, I am unable to do a single pushup from the tricep workout we did.

Aside from getting absolutely shredded, I've been out on the streets almost all day every day. We've been having lessons with an older couple that are super cool. The husband, Al, is always cracking jokes and has lots of questions about the church that we always seem to have the answers for. His wife, Astella, speaks almost entirely Spanish, but says that even during English sacrament meetings she can feel the Spirit speaking to her. 

Being out in the ghettos of Vegas every day, I have yet another cool story to tell from the week. Yesterday while walking through the streets, me and my companion spotted a woman crying, forcing out a conversation through the tears on her phone. Thinking it probably wasn't the best time to talk to her, I continued on my way, noticing her neighbor watching in concern while holding a sharp chisel in hand. Realizing the situation seemed a bit strange, I looked to my companion, who pointed out that the woman's hand and shirt were actually covered in blood. As we continued walking, we noticed that at the end of the street where we were heading was a group of sketchy looking characters watching the whole situation from a distance. Seeing this, I promptly turned around and hastily made my way back to where we came, not too fond of finding out the rest of that story.

A message that I have heard many times throughout my life and during the mission is that while The Lord will guide us and lead us away from harm, we are not invincible and are still able to be harmed. Just as the Nephites lost favor of the Lord when they ignored his counsel, we have to do the same, diligently listening for guidance and signs of where we should go and what we should do.

On a higher note, I no longer have to worry about food. After helping a family move out of their apartment, they left us with all of their food they saved up but didn't mind leaving behind. I now have over 200 pounds of rice, beans and diced tomatoes.

That's about everything thats gone on this last week, and so long as the hoodies from yesterday don't recognize me on the streets, y'all'll hear from me next week.

With love and swag,
Elder Lutter


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