4/12/2020- Preachin in da hood

 Two weeks and a half in and I've already got a hefty portfolio of stories. From getting ran out of an apartment by a naked security guard to watching someone get jumped right next to me, things really do get wild when you preachin in da hood.

Since last week, I've walked the streets long enough for my pants to somehow rub off through my loins and turn my legs blue. I've found out that the area I'm in is a gold mine for finding people, so that's what I've been doing. There are a lot of great people we meet, offering water bottles and giving warnings of our safety as it gets darker outside. However, there's also been a good share of people that aren't too happy to see us. 

The previously mentioned security guard was the first. We had a run in with him a couple of weeks ago, where he just told us we couldn't walk around the apartment complex. Then just last week, we were talking with the landlord of the buildings who was a member of the church, telling him about the people we were teaching in the building. He said that was awesome, and told us we should talk with a guy who lived in room 84, as he had talked with him previously about religion. We went up and knocked on the door, thinking we were going to be greeted by a kind, curious soul who was open to hearing our message. What we found when the door opened was a half naked security guard, telling us to get out of there as he called the cops.

The second semi crazy chase off was in a neighborhood we were walking around in, when a shirtless guy on a scooter passed by us on the street. We thought nothing of it until we turned the corner to find him spinning the scooter around him like a scooter ninja. He then put the scooter back down and rode around the next corner. Aware of the peculiarity of the situation, we crossed the street as we continued to walk, and sure enough after turning the next corner we found him on the other side of the street, holding his scooter up like a gun and aiming it at us. We ignored him and continued walking, as he followed us saying to get out of his hood and referring to us as white nibbas. Eventually, he stopped following us, which actually led to a guy driving up and asking if we was good, and led to us being able to share a message with him.

While there have been some wacky stuff thats happened, I've come to realize that good can always come of it by trusting in God. We found out the security guard was just a bit of a wackadoo and we were able to continue going there on word of the landlord. We were able to find another person to teach after getting racially profiled by a scooter gangsta. And while I'm still not sure how it came to be, I know it was through the Lord that I was blessed because of it.

I've also realized that trying to write each week's email in my freetime on pdays might not be a good idea, as I might not actually have freetime on pdays as I found last week. So, I'ma start writing throughout the week so the email is ready Monday mornings. Thank you for your time, and if I remember to get out of the streets by nighttime, you'll hear from me in next week's email.

Elder Lutter


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